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發(fā)布時間:2022-05-30 來源:http://m.jackpetty.net/ 瀏覽量:0

The integrated mixer truck is easy to condense because of the mixer truck it carries. If it is not cleaned in time, it will damage the mixing tank and affect the service life of the mixer truck. Therefore, the cleaning of the mixer is very important. So what is the manual scrubbing method for all-in-one mixer? What is the cleaning method?
Manual scrubbing mode of integrated mixer
Dip the towel into the water and slowly wet the whole roof.
Wipe the test with a wet towel on the roof to remove the dust, and gradually cover the windows and dust from top to bottom. Wipe off the dirt. Don't wipe the towel with sand. The surface of film or glass may be scratched or scratched.
If it is very dirty, please wipe it with a soft brush, rinse it with water, and then wipe it with a towel.
After rubbing the body again, check for dust. In this case, wipe again immediately until the tip is clean. As above, wipe the body again with a clean dry towel until there is no dust or watermark.
Cleaning method of integrated mixer
1. Before each charging, flush the feed port with water to keep the feed port moist during charging.
2. Add water to the cleaning water tank provided with the vehicle during loading.
3. Wash the feed inlet after loading, and clean up the residual mixer near the feed inlet.
4. After unloading at the construction site, flush the discharge tank, and then add 30-40l of cleaning water into the mixer tank to make the mixer tank rotate forward slowly when the vehicle returns.
5. Before the next loading, remember to discharge the sewage in the tank of the mixer truck.
6. At the end of each day, thoroughly clean the mixer tank and the surrounding of the inlet and outlet to ensure that there is no cement and mixer caking.
7. If you accidentally forget to clean it in time, please clean it with an air gun in time to avoid the loss of tank cleaning.
In addition, if the concrete solidifies in the mixer truck, it will greatly affect the normal operation of the mixer truck. There are many reasons for the concrete to coagulate in the mixing tank. In addition to not cleaning the mixing tank in time, the main reason is that the mixer truck engine can not operate, and the hydraulic machine is suspended due to the lack of power input, which makes the charging tank unable to rotate and makes the concrete coagulate in the mixing tank. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it in time. For more information, you can follow our website www.jfhntjbc Com information!

